File #: 25-0055    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Planning Item Status: Regular Agenda
File created: 2/13/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 2/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Miller Ave-Spriggs Property - Site Plan
Sponsors: Planning Commission
Attachments: 1. Miller Ave Spriggs - Site Plan for PC


Miller Ave-Spriggs Property - Site Plan



SUMMARY: The owner / developer of Tax Map 100O A 024.00 is proposing a 9,000 sq ft metal building with bay doors and approximately 30 parking spaces. The development will have a 24-foot-wide driveway connecting to Miller Ave (SR 392), a TDOT driveway permit will be required. A new water connection is proposed to the existing city water line along Miller Ave. A new sewer connection is proposed to an existing low pressure sewer line along the rear of the property.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan contingent upon TDOT driveway permit and any required storm water permits.


Recommended Action

NECESSARY PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approve the site plan contingent upon TDOT driveway permit and any required storm water permits.