Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsPlayback
25-0011 11.The CabinPermitThe Cabin   Not available Playback Playback
25-0051 1a. ProclamationFebruary Proclamations and Presentations   Not available Playback Playback
25-0048 1a.Lake CommissionAppointmentLake Commission   Not available Playback Playback
24-0416 2a.Ordinance amending the site plan ordinanceOrdinanceOrdinance amending the site plan ordinance   Not available Not available
25-0015 1b.Ordinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital ProjectsOrdinanceOrdinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital Projects   Not available Not available
25-0044 1c.Ordinance amending Title 10 Chapter 1 - Animal ControlResolutionOrdinance amending Title 10 Chapter 1 - Animal Control   Not available Not available
25-0032 1d.Approval of resolution for administrative servicesResolutionApproval of resolution for administrative services   Not available Not available
25-0034 1e.Approval to submit changes to the CharterResolutionApproval to submit changes to the Charter   Not available Not available
25-0036 1f.Crossville/Cumberland County Hazard Mitigation PlanResolutionApproval to adopt Crossville/Cumberland County Hazard Mitigation Plan   Not available Not available
25-0043 1g.Approval to apply for Project Diabetes grantResolutionApproval to apply for Project Diabetes grant   Not available Not available
25-0045 2h.Discussion regarding property on Interchange DriveResolutionApproval to sell property on Interchange Drive   Not available Not available
25-0018 1i.Approval of temporary street closure - Crossville CruisersPermitApproval of temporary street closure - Crossville Cruisers   Not available Not available
25-0017 1j.Genesis Tank RehabilitationContractApproval of Engineering Services Contract for Genesis Road Water Tank   Not available Not available
25-0030 1k.Sewer Rehab Closeout Change OrderContractApproval of Sewer Rehab Closeout Change Order   Not available Not available
25-0049 1l. MinutesApproval of minutes (1/14 Council Meeting, 2/4 Work Session)   Not available Not available
25-0033 1m.Approval of VolP Services/Phones bidBids/PurchasesApproval of VolP Services/Phones bid   Not available Not available
25-0031 1n.Approval to purchase Groundsmaster 4500 Athletic Field MowerBids/PurchasesApproval to purchase Groundsmaster 4500 Athletic Field Mower   Not available Not available
25-0035 2a.Discussion regarding Municipal AdvisorBids/PurchasesDiscussion and action regarding Kidwell & Co.   Not available Playback Playback
25-0047 1b.Discussion and action regarding RFQs for Municipal AdvisorBids/PurchasesDiscussion and action regarding RFQs for Municipal Advisor   Not available Playback Playback
25-0050 1a.City Attorney's ReportReportCity Attorney's Report   Not available Playback Playback
25-0046 1a. ReportCity Manager's Report   Not available Playback Playback