Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsPlayback
25-0088 11.Public Hearing - LPRF GrantPublic HearingPublic Hearing - LPRF Grant   Not available Playback Playback
25-0084 1  ProclamationMarch Proclamations and Presentations   Not available Not available
25-0062 1a.Crossville Regional Planning CommissionAppointmentCrossville Regional Planning Commission   Not available Playback Playback
25-0063 1b.Stormwater Board of AppealsAppointmentStormwater Board of Appeals   Not available Playback Playback
25-0015 1a.Ordinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital ProjectsOrdinanceOrdinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital Projects   Not available Not available
25-0044 1b.Ordinance amending Title 10 Chapter 1 - Animal ControlOrdinanceOrdinance amending Title 10 Chapter 1 - Animal Control   Not available Not available
25-0070 1c.Ordinance amending Title 5 Chapter 6 Municipal Purchasing ProceduresOrdinanceOrdinance amending Title 5 Chapter 6 Municipal Purchasing Procedures   Not available Not available
25-0078 1d.Ordinance amending FY 24/25 Budget - Leasing and Military MuseumOrdinanceOrdinance amending FY 24/25 Budget - Leasing and Military Museum   Not available Not available
25-0085 1e. MinutesApproval of minutes (2/11, 3/4)   Not available Not available
25-0053 2f. ResolutionApproval of a variance for sidewalks on Sparta Highway   Not available Not available
25-0061 1g.Approval of resolution for Parks and Recreation Grant CycleResolutionApproval of resolution for Parks and Recreation Grant Cycle   Not available Not available
25-0068 1h.Letter of Intent for Healthy Built Environment GrantResolutionApproval to submit a Letter of Intent for Healthy Built Environment Grant   Not available Not available
25-0076 1i. ResolutionApproval of donation request for the Military Museum   Not available Not available
25-0077 1j. ResolutionApproval to write off outstanding balances   Not available Not available
25-0059 1k.Taste of CrossvillePermitApproval of temporary street closings for Taste of Crossville   Not available Not available
25-0067 1l.Approval of Concessions Bid at Centennial ParkBids/PurchasesApproval of Concessions Bid at Centennial Park   Not available Not available
25-0074 1m.Approval of purchase of New Fire Pumper TruckApproval of purchase of New Fire Pumper TruckBids/PurchasesApproval of purchase of New Fire Pumper Truck   Not available Playback Playback
25-0047 2a.Discussion and action regarding Municipal Advisor ServicesBids/PurchasesDiscussion and action regarding Municipal Advisor Services   Not available Playback Playback
25-0083 1b.Approval to file back tax lawsuitResolutionApproval to file back tax lawsuit   Not available Playback Playback
25-0087 1a.City Attorney's ReportReportCity Attorney's Report   Not available Playback Playback
25-0086 1a. ReportCity Manager's Report   Not available Playback Playback