Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsPlayback
24-0425 11.AM Express 1PermitAM Express 1   Not available Playback Playback
24-0429 12.Plum Crazy VaporPermitPlum Crazy Vapor   Not available Playback Playback
24-0423 11.Public Hearing - AnnexationsPublic HearingPublic Hearing - Annexations   Not available Not available
25-0002 11.United FundPermitUnited Fund of Cumberland County 2025   Not available Playback Playback
25-0019 1a. ProclamationJanuary Proclamations and Presentations   Not available Not available
24-0370 1a.Airport CommitteeAppointmentAirport Committee   Not available Playback Playback
24-0383 1a.Ordinance amending FY 24-25 budgetOrdinanceOrdinance amending FY 24-25 budget   Not available Not available
24-0416 2b.Ordinance amending the site plan ordinanceOrdinanceOrdinance amending the site plan ordinance   Not available Not available
25-0015 1c.Ordinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital ProjectsOrdinanceOrdinance amending FY 24-25 - Capital Projects   Not available Not available
25-0001 1d.Approval of resolution for engineering servicesResolutionApproval of resolution for engineering services   Not available Not available
25-0003 1e.LPRF GrantResolutionApproval of Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF) letter of intent and grant application   Not available Not available
25-0005 1f.Downtown Traffic Signal ReplacementContractDiscussion and action regarding Downtown Traffic Signal Replacement   Not available Not available
25-0006 1g.Hussey Gay Bell Amendment (PIN 100260.03)ContractApproval of contract amendment regarding Hwy 127 North Phase 2 utility relocation Near Potato Farm Road to near Hollow Lane (PIN 100260.03)   Not available Not available
25-0007 1h.Hussey Gay Bell Amendment (PIN 100260.04)ContractApproval of contract amendment regarding Hwy 127 N Phase 3 Utility Relocation Near Hollow Lane to Near Lowe Road (PIN 100260.04)   Not available Not available
25-0008 1i.TDOT Utility Engineering and Relocation Estimate (PIN 100260.03)ContractApproval of TDOT Utility Engineering and Relocation Estimate for Hwy 127 N Phase 2 Utility Relocation Near Potato Farm Road to near Hollow Lane (PIN 100260.03)   Not available Not available
25-0009 1j.TDOT Utility Engineering and Relocation Estimate (PIN 100260.04)ContractApproval of TDOT Utility Engineering and Relocation Estimate for Hwy 127 N Phase 3 Utility Relocation Near Hollow Lane to Near Lowe Road (PIN 100260.04)   Not available Not available
25-0010 1k.Amendment regarding Inspection for ARPA ProjectsContractApproval of contract amendment regarding Inspection for ARPA Sewer Projects   Not available Not available
25-0021 1l. MinutesApproval of minutes (12/10 Council Meeting, 1/7 Work Session)   Not available Not available
25-0004 1m. Bids/PurchasesApproval to purchase Lifepack Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator   Not available Not available
25-0022 1a.City Attorney's ReportReportCity Attorney's Report   Not available Playback Playback
25-0020 1a. ReportCity Manager's Report   Not available Playback Playback